Not Maintaining Your Site Is Dangerous

A website requires consistent upkeep and attention to ensure that it performs well. In the early days of the Internet sites were built and then left. They rarely changed or received maintenance, nowadays failing to attend to your website could be dangerous. A businesses website often showcases value to a prospective customer and because of this it should be cared for. If you have invested in a website, keep investing in it and you will notice the difference it offers your business.


A poorly maintained website could easily get hacked, especially if it has not been updated to the current version. Security problems exist in older versions but you can easily attend to these by upgrading the site with new available updates. Your business may suffer greatly if your website is hacked or attacked with malicious software so maintaining your site regularly can keep your online business operating at an optimal level.

Search Engine Optimisation

SEO algorithms developed by Google are forever changing so your site must be maintained to avoid being placed under an ‘SEO black cloud’. Google also loves a website with fresh content which you will not have if you just leave it sitting there without any attention. Rise higher in the search engine results page by keeping an eye on your site and having an ongoing strategy for its success.

Your brand

An old website will often look uninviting and this will have a negative effect on your brand. When visitors find your website, they may believe that your business does not pay attention to detail, respect quality or invest in its own appearance. Even worse, an old website might make visitors believe that your business no longer exists!


One of the reasons that you may not be adding content to your website regularly is that your website requires a programmer to do this for you. An effective content management system will allow you to update your own website at any time you choose without any detailed expert knowledge or programming skills. A content management system may be cheaper for you as your website can be maintained more regularly by yourself or a team member. This means you can readily add more fresh content to boost your brand and SEO status.


If the information about your business is not updated regularly, your potential customers will know little about you. When contact details, your products and services change you will need to update these immediately on your website. Special events such as sales and marketing campaigns should also be featured on your website and the only way to ensure all of this happens is to maintain your site on a regular basis.

Professional support

Digital Animals works with businesses to ensure that their website matches the needs of all users visiting the site. Maybe you are ready for a brand new site or you require a strategy to strengthen and enhance your existing website. Teaming up with professionals like Digital Animals will keep your website maintained regularly so that it is secure, updated and positively supporting your brand.